
I love, love receiving love from my hubby.💛
My lovely roses from the city. 🌆 Here’s the story. So, I heard a quiet knock on the door🚪and I was a bit startled because I wasn’t expecting anyone.💁🏽I didn’t think it was my husband because he’s usually gets home a bit later. Anyhow, I tippy toe towards the door and ask who it was? Truly, I was expecting my neighbor or someone else to answer but it was only my sweet prince.💁‍♂️ He stood there waiting patiently with this beautiful bouquet of flowers.💐 They are just ordinary day roses really. I thought of God while I trimmed them and placed them in the vase.🌹

The scripture said that husband should love their wives like Christ loves his church. And everyday I experience God’s love emanating from my husband. We are his bride, the church. It’s amazing how in each and everyday, He shows us how much He loves us in all different ways. Truly it pays to wait on God for whatever you need from him. He loves and cares for us and He knows what we have need of. Wait on his timing.⏰His timing concerning every detail of your life is always the perfect timing.⏱⏰


your sister in Christ💕


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