God’s Got You!



Whether you’re up or down
Happy or Sad
Rich or Poor
Above the gravity or below the firmament
Weak or Strong
Sorrowful or Joyful
Broken or Whole
Accepted or Rejected
In Chains or Free
Whether all the above is in place or out of place in your life, please know that God’s got you. There is absolutely nothing that’s too hard for God, my friends. I’ve seen Him work the miraculous in my life and the lives of others. Trust me, He can work out anything for you too.

No matter the difficulties you face today, the words of Jesus are stronger than all the troubles in the world. Yes, you can and you will overcome any kind of trouble or difficulty because Jesus said, ‘With God all things are possible’ (Matthew 19:26). It is the power of God that makes what seems impossible with men possible with God.

I remember needing a miracle when I was thirteen. My mother had absolutely no money in her name to afford my passage to school. But I remember going to the Lord in prayer and fasting; through faith, believing God for the impossible.

I only prayed and fasted for approximately five or six hours before I heard the spirit of the Lord ordering my steps to receive what I had prayed for. God provided the money within hours of me asking. He can make a way out of no way. I’ve proven that to be true many a times.

Rest in the peace of your salvation.

Your sister in Christ💕

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