Thirty Years Later


When I was only seven years old, I had my first encounter with the Lord Jesus CHRIST! I remember sitting down on my mama’s broken down bed and began to cry so bitterly😭😭. I had to stay home from school that day because I went to school barefoot👣 the day before because I had no shoes👠…and I bucked my big toe real bad. The previous day before that, I learned who my father was for the first time…and I came to find out he didn’t want any thing to do with me…and my heart broke into million little pieces and I just cried. 

So, I sat there and poured out my broken heart before a God I didn’t really know. I cried, “Lord, why am I so poor? Why was I born out of wedlock? Why am I called a bastard? Why don’t I have any shoes and why don’t I have a father?” It was within that moment the God of heaven, the omnipresent one, the God of the universe came down in my poverty stricken home and enveloped me with his love and made Himself known to me. He then directed me to Paslms 27 and verse ten captivated my whole heart. I was floored and flabbergasted when my heart saw what God was saying to me.

“When thy father and mother forsake you, I the Lord will receive you.” 

That very day God took legal guardianship of me and I gave Him full access to my life. I became his daughter and He became my daddy!🤗

Thirty years later and He’s still keeping me…(I might be much younger considering the fact that my mother confessed that she had no money to register me after my birth…so she had wait to register me two years later lol🤣. I love my mama💕 but that’s what poverty will do to you). 

My whole life belongs to Jesus! He chose me and I am His. He’s my father. Growing up we were too poor to celebrate birthdays but today He just showered me with love and some amazing blessings through my hubby. Jacob.

My soul loves the Lord and I live for Him. My life was designed to honor and give Him glory! 

💙Can I encourage someone today, especially if you’re fatherless… I want to tell you that God can be more than a father to you. You can trust Him! 

Once you give your life to Him, He will restore All you missed out on all the days of your life. 

Thank you all for your birthday love and wishes😘

love you all to pieces😘




#JoinTheRoyalAcademyForSingles #myblog

2 thoughts on “Thirty Years Later

  1. Isn’t God simply just our Dad! To God Be All The Glory! He’s taken great care of throughout my entire life too! Thanks for sharing! 😀👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽❤️

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