I Cried To God For Fifteen Years To Be Adopted.


I left my mother’s house at fifteen years old because we were poor. I had no father and my sister Juju who was trying to help me to go to school suddenly passed away. I went to Kingston city and stayed with two different families that God literally provided for me. These families, however, had different plans for me in the long run… other than what God had for me and I had for myself. During this season in my life, I prayed and wished I could get adopted by a family who would love and take care of me wholeheartedly.


When I turned nineteen after I had finished High School, I literally moved on my own with no one to make any life decisions for me. I had to rely on the Holy Spirit for total guidance. {It’s good time to tell you how important the work of the Holy Spirit is – He’s our HELPER!) When I turned twenty five, my prayer for adoption became more intense. Life was very hard to do on my own. With God’s help I made it to thirty and at the end of my thirtieth birthday I found myself crying… I still had this deep desire to be adopted even though I was a grown women🤷🏽‍♀️. I had lived that far without a single human telling me “you’re my full responsibility, don’t worry.” I was far away from home and had been on my own for far too long; I seriously wanted someone to take my physical hand, stand with me, and fight through life with me and parent me.


When I turned 32, the little girl who still resides in me, still cried silently because she wanted to still be adopted and still no one has ever made her an offer. (A broken and contrite heart, God said He would not despise). Can you imagine being 32 years old and still crying😭😭 to be adopted? Peeps, my soul couldn’t help it. So in January of 2013, during the months of prayer, fasting and consecration, I got really open before God at the alter. I prayed like Hannah; unmasked in sackcloth and ash with groaning that cannot be uttered before the Lord. Since I was single and waiting, I cried for his divine will. I told God I would still love and follow Him even if I never married or no one ever adopted me. I was very honest and open. In closing, I told Him I didn’t want to do life alone anymore but if He thinks that’s what best I would learn to accept it. But before I walked away from the alter I gave God a proposition. I said, God I wanted to help you! (like God needs help right?) I told Him I wanted to help his Kingdom. I said, “I’m available to work, what can I do for you My Lord?” He answered that very moment and three months later He sent me a young man who would marry me along with the little girl (who still desire to be adopted into a family).


Though I was a part of so many different families in the church, the need to have my very own family was innate. I watched as I became one with Jacob – God just ingrafted me into the Nimocks family. Late last year as we drove across the country to be with his family, the Holy Spirit brought before me these scriptures:

Moral of my story~

“God settles the solitary in a family; he leads out the prisoners to prosperity, but the rebellious dwell in a parched land.” Psalm 68:6 and 9. Ephesians 1:5 “In love he predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will . . . ”
I couldn’t stop crying when the Lord said, “ Dear child, you were always mine, that’s why I wouldn’t let just anyone adopt you. I felt safe to give your hand to Jacob because I knew he would love and take you care of you.”

On this New Year’s Day I would love to encourage those of you who are still waiting on God to never STOP waiting because He will COME and He will deliver. But I beg and implore you to wait in the Kingdom. He will be whatever you need Him to be and more…

After waiting for fifteen years to be adopted, I was very surprised to know I was already adopted before the foundation of the world in Christ Jesus! The greatest and best family you could ever be a part of is the Kingdom family of Jehovah God.

On this New Year’s Day I would love to encourage those of you who are still waiting on God to never STOP waiting because He will COME and He will deliver. But I beg implore you to wait in the Kingdom.

O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him.
Plasm 34:8

I’m so blessed and thankful for all of you who have made my journey more memorable as well 😘

Shalom beloveds and Happy New Year!

My Single sisters please remain with God.


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